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Free web hosting is good for starting in web publishing. With free webhosting you dont have to pay anything and usualy that is why you will have some adverts on your website. Free hosting also comes without support and is slower and not stable. In some case it is usefull if you need to redirect traffic or just to store some photos. Here is the list of some best free web hosting sites.Free web hosting is good for starting in web publishing. With free webhosting you dont have to pay anything and usualy that is why you will have some adverts on your website. Free hosting also comes without support and is slower and not stable. In some case it is usefull if you need to redirect traffic or just to store some photos. Here is the list of some best free web hosting sites.
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1 One Recommend it!   Our rating:4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars
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Rating 6.5
Votes 2
30 th May 2008
One One.com gives you 1000MB of FREE webhosting plus free domain name for one year. Next year you pay just 1.25EUR per month for this plan or you can get more space and more services for more money.

One.com offer basic services and programming in ASP - PHP5 - MySQL., unlimited transfer, unlimited e-mail accounts, ...
Category: | PHP Hosting | ASP Hosting | Free Web Hosting |
2 DotEasy Recommend it!   Our rating:
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Rating 5
Votes 2
28 th Feb 2008
DotEasy DotEasy has very wide selection of hosting plans and most interesting is of course the Free Hosting. Since it is free there is not many features but for basic HTML site is enough. The Free plan gives you 100MB of space and 1GB of traffic and no PHP or MySQL. The oposite of free plan is Unlimited Hosting plan which cost only $9.95 / month for UNIX version or $20 / month for Windows servers. There are all programming languages supported and everything is just unlimited. With those plans you get all you need for your website including non stop support. This service is using 160.000 other customers which I belive are satisfied. Only little catch is the expensive domain name wihch could be cheaper a bit.
Category: | Free Web Hosting | PHP Hosting | ASP Hosting |
3 000webhost Recommend it!   Our rating:
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Rating 4.4
Votes 5
12 th Nov 2007
000webhost 000webhost.com is making a revolution in web hosting industry. Look what they offer totally free: 250 MB disk space, 100 GB data transfer, cPanel access, full domain hosting allowed, backups, end user support and much much more.. With 000webhost.com your website will load lightning fast, and they have lots of features, sometimes even more you can get with paid hosting. Choose the new generation of free hosting! Īn free hosting you get also PHP and MySQL.
Category: | Free Web Hosting | PHP Hosting |
4 TipTopWebsite Recommend it!   Our rating:
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Rating 0
Votes 27
26 th Jul 2007
TipTopWebsite With Tip Top Website you will get the easiest and fastest website made for almost no money. I put this hosting to free web hosting because it is only $1 per month for the first package. It is so simple to make website Tip Top Website gives you templates, blog, and some other features for your site. Your site can be ready in just 60 seconds. No computer skills are needed to create professional presentation. So for $1 per month I think it is almost FREE.
Category: | Free Web Hosting |
11 Sites in our Database.
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Host Department - April/01/2013
Host Department - March/28/2013
Host Department - March/26/2013
Host Department - March/25/2013
DotEasy - October/21/2011
DotEasy - August/20/2011
Easy ASP Hosting - August/16/2011
TipTopWebsite - June/18/2011

| PHP Hosting | ASP Hosting | Reseller Hosting | Dedicated Hosting | Free Web Hosting | Adult Web Hosting |